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ADT outdoor camera on a Colorado Springs home
June 24, 2021

How To Protect Your Rental Property In Colorado Springs

Whether your leasing the the family lake house or you have a diverse rental portfolio, you are aware it can be difficult to protect a rental property in Colorado Springs. If it’s not occupied, your unit may be a prime target for burglars or intruders. In the event you have renters, you also have to try safeguard human beings.

Including a mixture of solutions like 24-hour monitoring and smart devices, here are several proven methods to make sure you’re fully protecting your Colorado Springs rental property.

Protect Your Rentals With Home Security Monitoring

One of the best deterrents against criminal activity at your rental is installing a monitored security system. Your tenants will rest easier when they feel secure against invaders, especially if Colorado Springs is somewhere they’ve never visited before. If a intruder tries to sneak in, your security system will notify your monitoring professionals at ADT while the warning siren warns everyone inside. You even have the ability to receive smartphone alerts when a surveillance camera picks up a lurker.

ADT smartlock on a Colorado Springs home

Advanced Keypad Locks Add Security When You Have New Guests

When a renter moves on, sometimes it's a mystery to know if they will be away forever. If you use traditional keys and they have a copy, then they could potentially re-enter your home. To counteract this concern, you can change the locks after each renter or have smart locks installed that work with your security system. By using keypad locks, you can allocate each renter their own code number that will no longer work when they vacate the property. If past occupants return and use their old code on the keypad, you will receive a notification on your smartphone.

Automated Devices Protect Your Rental Property In Colorado Springs -- Even When Your Property is Vacant

If you own a rental or vacation home in Colorado Springs, you need to ensure it’s protected, including when it's vacant. The best way to achieve this is to give an impression that there's someone home. By connecting your property’s security system to home automation components like smart bulbs, thermostats, and speakers, your place will always appear occupied. Set certain light bulbs to activate at regular intervals throughout the day and let some music play for a while, and a would-be intruder will think twice before trying to enter. By using the right security system, you are able to program devices with a simple smartphone interface.

Securing Your Rental Property In Colorado Springs Begins With A Custom Home Security Package

The advantages of advanced home security for property owners are countless: 24-hour monitoring, convenient automation, and smart locks with key codes are only the beginning. Reach out to Secure24 Alarm Systems and our experts will start customizing an ADT package that makes sense for your rental. Dial (719) 270-0648 or submit our online form to get started.